Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Cupcakes

Well yesterday I told the family that I wanted to make a big batch of cupcakes and decorate them for teh girls to take to school. Ryan said that I should put Chocoalte gnache ontop as the white was abit sickly so I did just that! I did a count and made 73 Cupackes! 30 went with Amelia to her school today, 12 went into Charlotte's school and the rest went to Ryan's work at Beconsfield Mine. He rang me a little earlier and said that they were a BIG hit and that they were all gone before lunch! He then said a few of the staff wanted the receipe for the gnache, which I am sorry to say is a secret reciepe which I am not sharing, sorry! I decorated the tops of the cupcakes with spearmint leaves and glazed cherries to make it look like holly as it is Christmas.

I'm happy to take orders up until Saturday the 20th Dec. if anyone would like to purchase a batch, I am selling them individually or in packs of 6 and 12. If you would like to know more you can drop me an email at amd put christmas cupcakes in the subject line.

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