Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A big 14!

Well I know that I am getting old and Amelia proved that to me just recently by turning 14! I think that the years are going far to quick as it hardly seems like any time at all that she was just a little baby, time flies!

So for her birthday she enjoyed a trip to the movies with the family to see Tangled, which was really good! She loved the horse the most. After we went to the shops and got some items to cook a BBQ dinner. We were lucky to have Kirk and Amy staying with us before they ventured off to Melbourne to live, and Amelia loves them both very much and enjoyed spending time with them on her birthday.

The birthday cake was a cheat as we used a packet in the microwave! Ryan made it and I decorated it and it tasted pretty good, not as good as my usual mud cake however, but still edible.

We hope that Amelia enjoys her year ahead, and as I said to Ryan she can now attend Youth dances which I have decided that Ryan can take her to as I spend 5 years in young women's going to many dances and conventions. She has grown into a lovely young lady and we love her very much!

The birthday girl was super excited to get a cool new Harry Potter book!

Yes tough now your 14!

The Cake

I think the most popular part to the cake was the 20 Freddo Frogs on it!

We hope you had a lovely day Miss Smiles!

1 comment:

Cullis Family said...

Happy Birthday Amelia. Hope you had a lovely 14th birthday.
