Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Anzac Day at Hollybank

Yesterday we took the family for a trip to Hollybank. The sad thing is that it is the first time we had been there! I know Amelia and Charlotte have been there with school but Ryan and I hadn't. We packed a BBQ and aimed for a late lunch. When we got there it was close to 2 so we got a BBQ going. While the chef (Ryan) was cooking I had a chance to take some pictures! Been wanting to dust the old camera off for a while and sad to say but will not have a chance to edit, still have a back log to do just doesn't seem to be enough time in my day these days!

After a massive amount to eat we took a walk and enjoyed the sites. We even watched the group of treetop people practice for there trip through the trees! We would have liked to see them up a high but you can only go so far before a gate stops you. Ryan has made the suggestion that we should go for a treetop adventure one night!!!!!! He has got a few interested already including Robert and Coral BUT I am not sure as I always have bad luck when I get a bit adventurous!

The People Mover on two legs!

1 comment:

The Kings said...

It's beautiful there hey :)