Friday, November 27, 2009
New Music Playlist
Well I have been having a bit of a play with some of the music and decided to give it a change. These are just a few of the songs that I am currently using on my ipod and for some of my classes. I must say that I do have other music that I use for my gym classes BUT people may not like it as it is a bit techno!
Yo Yo Yo!
Yesterday I was having a bad hairday so decided to wear one of Charlottes Bandannas, Will thought it sounded like a cool idea as well so joined in on the fashion, how cute is this!
After all the excitment this is where I found him when I thought he was hanging with Amelia watching some telly... How cute does he look even with the Wiggles hat, maybe he was having a Wiggle dream as well!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Will's 3rd Birthday party!
Well yesterday was a chance for Will to have his birthday party with his friends up here! We were a bit dissapointed with the weather as I had planned to have a few things outside BUT due to typical Tassie weather is rained!!!! Oh well we still had heaps of fun hanging out playing games eating lots of party food and eating lots of lollies!!!! Sorry to all the mum's and dad's if the kids were hypo last night but I am sure they had a heap of fun! I know Will had a great day and enjoyed playing with all of his friends. Thanks to everyone who came and made it a special day for him!

Darcy really enjoyed the Little People garage, Anna mentioned that is proberly the only one they dont have!

Will loves Georgia from the gym and was so excited when she was able to come to his party. It was funny when he left as he said Kelly ( Georgia's mum ) had gone back to the gym! He thinks Kelly and Georgia live at the gym.
Darcy really enjoyed the Little People garage, Anna mentioned that is proberly the only one they dont have!
Will loves Georgia from the gym and was so excited when she was able to come to his party. It was funny when he left as he said Kelly ( Georgia's mum ) had gone back to the gym! He thinks Kelly and Georgia live at the gym.
Very excited to hang out with Taj, always asking after Taj, who we dont get to see as much these days as we are not at the same gym any more!
The Birthday boy! I was a bit annoyed as I had planned to cook the cake Friday night when I got home from Hobart. I rang Ryan and told him to put the oven on so that it would be ready when I got home. He rang 15 minutes later to say the oven had blown up and was not working!!!!!! So went to Wollies hoping to get a round plain sponge to decorate BUT they only had rectangle one!!!!!!!! Like who want to use a rectangle cake!!!!!!
Josh's Birthday Party
Last weekend while in Hobart Josh turned three as well. His birthday is the day after Will's, so we got an invite to the pirate party. Roz did a great job with the decorations and we loved that she got the kids dressed up in pirate outfits! I really like the pirate treasure hunt where they drew a map and the kids followed it to find the treasure chest! I also LOVED the cake she made, very cool!

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Its a Wiggly 3rd Birthday!
Well what a full on day it has been today! It started with getting up early and celebrating William's 3rd birthday. It is so hard to beleive that 3 years ago that I was in a hospital popping a baby out! And popping is the word he came out so quick they nearly missed it!
Any way he was spoilt rotten as usual, with lots of Wiggles stuff and a sofa so he can do the typical boy thing and lay down and watch the telly at home!
Any way he was spoilt rotten as usual, with lots of Wiggles stuff and a sofa so he can do the typical boy thing and lay down and watch the telly at home!
After a boring breakfast of Weetbix and toast we packed ourselves into the car to drive out to meet the Wiggles before they performed their Wiggly Big Show in Hobart. It was such a great thing to actually meet them as the kids LOVE the Wiggles and are always watching and listening to their movies. We were only able to have our photos with the Wiggles as they didn't have time to do any signing which was a little dissapointing as we had brought a t'shirt and a card to have them sign so we could keep!

After our meeting with the Wiggles we went and found our seats and we were in the highest row possible in the DEC, but even though we were so far back it still was a good seat as we were very central with teh stage right in front so we could see everything. The Wiggles did a great show and the kids LOVED it! Will was a little shy to start with BUT after a few funny moments from Captain Feathersword it was all good! One sad part was that we were not able to sit all together, as Charlotte is in a wheelchair she had to sit in a different spot so Ryan sat with her closer to the front, we did communicate via phone and sign language however.

After the Wiggles finished we venture for a quick trip to Big W, the third time for me in two days (sad I know)! nd picked up some thongs for only $1. Amelia has a bit of an obsession with them and its always flogging ours, so now she has three pairs all of her own, not that she sisn't before but she now has different colours to wear around.

We then came back to Mum's and started making sanwiches for Will's little birthday party for family down in Hobart! It was actually not to bad as I had stayed up until after midnight last night to ice and decorate the cupcakes and enlisted Ryan and Mum to help wrap pass the parcel and make lolly bags up for me! Must say that with Mum doing the lollies I think a few might have gone missing as she is a lolly addict!
Well the party was scheduled to start at 2 BUT as usual family time would have it everyone rocked up at 2.30 so when we got started Will opened some pressies and then he had a play with his cousins. We then all went outside and had a game of pass the parcel and it was interesting watching Will as he thought that everytime the parcel came to him that he neede to open it he couldn't get the concept that he needed to wait for the music to stop! The winner was Henry who wa very excited to win a book and some bubbles. The kids were then able to make som Wiggle puppets and then put on a show for everyone, we just had some Wiggle music going and they had their puppets dancing to it. After some fun with this the food arrived and the kids ate mainly the popcorn and chips. The adults were more into the sammies, no one was that keen on the cocktails, hoever Amelia had eaten a big lunch so was not keen to eat with us more interested in watching a Video! After eats we had the birthday cakes's which were cupcakes some were iced in white chocolate gnache that was coloured the same as each of the Wiggles colours, and then the top two rows had a selection of teddy faces on them, including a very spunk pirate one and a little girl with a cute bow. After the cake we went on a treasure hunt around the front garden and found a stack of lollies which was fun and good to see that the kids all shared what they found so no one missed out and everyone got even amounts. We then had the piniata which was a little different to bashing it with a stick but the kids took turns pulling a groups of strings on at a time and the magic one would pop open the goodies! It was fun when everything fell out as the kids LOVED collecting all the lollies and toys to add to their already BIG stash of lollies! By this time it was time to go home so everyone got a lolly bag ( I know more lollies to rot their teeth) and went home to have a very good sleep! I must say that I am looking forward to having a good sleep tonight as I am stuffed from my 5.30 start and midnight to bed last night! And the best part of it all is that we are doing it all over tomorrow as Will's cousin is turning three tomorrow and having his birthday party! More lollies, cakes and the likes, bring it on!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Our Hobart Adventure!
Amelia loves her camera phone and was snapping away!
So after the RACT came we found out the alternator was stuffed so he gave it a tap and said that it might last to Launceston BUT would give no guarantees! SO we decided to be safe and purchase a new battery just incase. Lucky for us we managed to make it back with our old battery and no problems. So on Monday the car was booked in to the mechanic and fixed! Still not sure how much as we are waiting for an invoice, I am hoping not too much!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
As you will notice I have added a new feature to our blog, thanks to Lisa King I now know how to add this feature as her Young Women Stake blog gave me the idea. The current playlist is Kenneth Cope who will be performing in Deloraine next week on the 18th and 19th November. If you are interested in finding out more or want to go to his FREE concerts just leave a comment and I will let you know more details.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
At the Botanical Gardens
Well we have spent this weekend in Hobart as I have a fitness course to do. We thought that we would take time out and enjoy the beautiful weather and organised to meet up with Ryan's parents to hang out at the Botanical Gardens. It was a great time and we just walked around and had some great chats as well as watched the kids have a ball rolling down the hills and feeding the ducks! Ryan and I always feel a little sad when we visit the gardens as we were supposed to get married under the lovely arch, BUT it was a total washout 3 days before as well as on the day that it was flooded so we had to go with our backup plan and get married at the Grand Chancellor! Not that it was that bad it was just that I loved the big arch and had planned it for so long that I was a bit ripped. Any ways we took time today to do a few rehersals of maybe what it would have looked like back 13 years ago!!!!!!
Watch out below very fast boy is coming down the slopes!
Charlotte had a few cat naps as she enjoyed the sun!
Will looking all so innocent! Really he is a cheeky monkey!
This is a great photo of Ryan with his Mum and Dad!
It was Roger's birthday a few weeks ago and we were not able to come down so we had time today to celebrate it. This is a great photo as it shows the love of a Father and Son, I must say that these are the photos to treasure, I look back and see that I don't have many pictures with my Mum and Dad, I think the last was at our wedding 13 years ago which is a little sad. I need to take more with my Mum.

Friday, November 6, 2009
New Toys!
Well today I went to the postbox and finally had a little package I had been waiting on from America. After I read Toni's blog about the buttons she ordered off Etsy from a business called 'Nice' I went and had a little look and was happy to find that they had a few of my favourite things. Cupcakes, Little Kokeshi Dolls and owls! Of course I had to place an order and today they have arrived! Not 100% sure what I plan to do with these yet but I am sure something will come to my mind soon!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
New Pattern from make it perfect

Hi all, our friend Toni has just released a new pattern to add to her range of great creations. To see ot and find out how to order just click here! This pattern is slumber party jammies and look really cute!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Charlotte the Witch
Last night was Halloween night and as a result we decided to get the kids dressed and visit a few families to trick or treat! It was originally planned to be a Young Women's activity but they all get better offers! So Ryan, Mum, the kids and I packed up the lolly bags iced the cupcakes and got dressed in our gear! We looked a treat and were warmly welcomed at the houses we visited, lucky we didn't scare the kids too much which is always a worry when you dress up to look scary! After our drop offs we then went to pick up some chinese takeaway for dinner as no one could be bothered to cook, I had to tell my Mum that we don't usually eat out two nights in a row but it was just one of those weeks! We had not long got home when we had a knock at our door and a few kids from around the street had got together to do some trick or treating. They were all dressed up and were very excited when I brought out our big lolly bowl, luck for me I left some over from the lolly bags I had packed up as they were very grateful. They were also very good and only took one or two lollies. I told them to take a handful which they ended up doing. After I came upstairs the bell rang again and we had a 2nd lot of trick or treaters! So they pretty much cleaned me out of lollies which was good as having them around would just see me eat them!
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