Saturday, July 18, 2009

Kids Cup Fun Run and a Walk

Well today we had the kids registered in the Launceston Kids Cup that was held where they race the horses in Mowbray. We were not sure if we wouold actually go as it had moments of pouring rain this morning. We did some shopping in Mowbray and the weather had actually picked up a bit so we decided to head over to let the kids have a run. The first race was at 1.30 and it was the under 8's race which was William's race. We asked if it would be alright for Amelia to run in the race with him as well as we didn't hink that she would cope with the race that she was registered in. The under 8's were running a 800m race which was plenty long enough both for Will and Amelia. We walked out on to the track and lined up for the start. The starter got us ready and then told us the way we needed to run, then he said 'On your marks get set GO!'
Well Will didn't need any encouragment he was of and running. He actually ran the whole way up to the markers and back again, the only problem we had was that he didn't want to stop and turn around he wanted to keep running around the track! Amelia had a slight hissy fit in the middle of the track, whic was a bit embasasing as she stopped and refused to continue and chuced a wobbly at me. After a few stern words from me and a pull along she started to walk. We managed to FINISH the race coming last, BUT I just wanted to let the kids get out and have a go and be around other kids and try to keep them fit. .00

Ryan stayed with Charlotte watching the race and told me that when I got back some woman had a BIG hissy fit that Amelia was in the race of the under 8's. Mind you she was not actually coming first or remotely near to winning the race she was just happy to hang out and walk with Will and I. Ryan just stood back and let her have a BIG winge, it was really good that the person who was organising actually came over and mentioned to the wingy woman that the 12 year old that was in teh race was actually disabled and that she was coming last so what was the problem. Ryan said it was funny watching her face after she realised that she had made a BIG goose of herself and she quickly walked away. Her beef was that her daughter had turned 9 a week before the dates that were set for the competition and that she thought that it was unfair thet her daughter was not able to race in the under 8's race. I said to Ryan that it is really sad that some parents are so competitive that they have to make a goose of themselves to try and make their child look better. So all in al we had a great day, the kids each got a show bag with a drink bottle and a sticker from Launceston Sport and Surf that were part of the sponsors of the race. We decided not to hang around as we had to get and do other things, plus William was a little over it and wanted to continue running around like a feral child!

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