Ok so flights in and out of Tasmania have been on hold for the past couple of days due to a wonderful volcanic ash cloud! This is the second wave we have had over Australia and as much as the photos that it has had taken of it with the sky looking all pretty, it is in fact a real pain. Ryan has been away in Sydney for a work course and was due to fly home last night. The annoying part was that he had two planes to catch one from Sydney to Melbourne then Melbourne to Launceston. Virgin started flying out of Sydney yesterday afternoon so he got that flight but ended up stuck in Melbourne last night. His work put him up at the Hilton, which he tells me was rather nice and a much better bed to sleep on than the Novatel!
So I have been seen with a phone stuck to my ear most of yesterday afternoon trying to arrange his new flight! I had him booked at 7.50 this morning but that was cancelled so rang again and now have him booked for 12.05!I have everything crossed that they fly at lunchtime today as I am not sure how he will be trying to get the only other flight to Launceston tonight if that goes ahead!
Hope he makes it home tonight!
Fingers crossed!! Nice he gets to stay in fancy hotels though :)
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