Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January Happenings

Well a bit has been happening over the past few weeks, Charlotte is slowly getting over her chickenpox, she just has some marks left on but hopefully they will fade over time! We had the Crossin girls come and visit for a few days and had a great time playing the wii and swimming at the pool. I was working for two of the days which made it hard to get and do things however I managed to do some haircuts and a colour of Abby. Amelia went and spent a few nights up in Port Sorell and we had a nice time of no screaming and fighting which was lovely for a few days!

The girls are boxing each other in this picture, the funny thing was how they complained about having a sore shoulder from doing the boxing the next day!

On Sunday after church Ryan and I drove up with Charlotte and Will and pitched out tent out the front of the Crossin's house and had a cushy camping experience! All the mod cons of staying at home but the opportunity to sleep in rough in the tent! On the Monday Ryan went to work with Rob and they were away for the whole day. We managed to fill in the day with a trip to the pool at Shearwater, a trip to the bluff for a play and a monkey around! And a trip to the supermarket to purchase some essential BBQ items for the Australia Day BBQ! On the Monday evening the grownups (Rob, Coral, Ryan and I) went out to dinner at a place in Devenport for Chinese. We had a banquet and it was nice to share different meals and try different things. Must say a BIG thankyou to Zoe who was the babysitter for the night and she did a great job as we came home to nearly all kids all asleep tucked up in their beds. Charlotte and Zoe were having a cuddle on the couch and watching a movie.

Charlotte enjoying the sun shine!

Amelia and I on the snowboard thing!

Coral and Will having a swing!

On the Australia day we crashed the Devenport wards Australia day activity at Hawley Beach which was great. The sun was a little overcast to start the day but by 10 it was lovely. Amelia and Will enjoyed the sun, sand and saltwater, Charlotte enjoyed hanging out in her sunshelter keeping pout of the hot sun! We took a bucket and shovel and rake for Will who enjoyed digging and helping Dad make castles. Their was cricket, volleyball and plenty of running around. For lunch we cooked the traditional BBQ snags, burgers and kebabs with lots of sauce and bread!

I loved this photo of Bishop Crossin, the hat with the tee shirt is priceless!

After a busy day we came back to the Crossin's and crashed and cleaned up. I had a meeting to go to at the church which started at 7 but had to be seated by 6.30 so Rob and I went together and Ryan came through with the kids around 9 to pick me up and after a quick stop at the supermarket for some  basics we travelled home and got in around 11. Everyone was soooo tiered and the kids fell asleep on the way down, which was nice for Ryan and I as we had a chance to actually talk! This morning Amelia slept in till nearly 9 which is amazing just wish Will would have!

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